As a think tank, it is essential for the ED Foundation to initiate and encourage research actions on issues relating to human security, governance, etc. that concern communities and/or hinder their development. The ED Foundation aims to become a research hub, in particular to develop the human security research sector in order to promote a better understanding, dissemination and sharing of knowledge and information on security and development issues and challenges. In addition, it will involve training young researchers to strengthen their skills in dealing with issues relating to governance, human security, etc. in order to help prepare the expertise of the new generation on such fundamental issues.
As Action Research involves two (02) components, it will involve using the results of the research carried out 1) to conduct information campaigns, and civic education to disseminate and/or popularize the research results; 2) undertake awareness-raising and advocacy actions to pass on information to the relevant services and stakeholders likely to improve the situations identified. As a think tank, the ED Foundation also aims to develop a framework for dialogue to generate and encourage debate and reflection on human security and governance issues (conferences, discussion forums, training, webinars, etc.)
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